Over 20 years in preparation, the Encyclopædia Jameldica is at last complete. Lavishly illustrated, mostly in colour, and with numerous maps, this book was originally conceived as an appendix to the Jameld Dictionary, the intention being to provide a little background information on Jameldic culture, and to explain some of the odder dictionary entries. The preparation of the Dictionary has taken a little longer than originally anticipated – almost legendarily so – and therefore as these "Cultural Notes" (the working title) have been completed first it seems appropriate to issue them separately, at least initially.
The Encyclopædia Jameldica includes articles on angleball (the official sport of the Jameldic people), badgers, the Jameldic calendar, castles, local cuisine, donkeys, fruitcake, knights, poetry, proverbs and sayings, weights and measures and a historical timeline, and numerous other topics.
You can download the PDF here (12 MB).