This is an occasional project, the objective of which is to provide tiny, reference-card-sized four-page phrasebooks, primarily in languages for which it is not particularly easy to obtain phrasebooks generally. The basic content is 25 core phrases, broken down into five headings: Greetings, Meeting, Pleasantries, Problems, and Signs &c. In addition, a final section, Cultural requirements & miscellanea, allows the inclusion of phrases useful for that particular language or culture.
The Nanophrasebook is presented in PDF format. Each PDF contains two A4 pages; the idea is that you print out pages 1 and 2 on opposite sides of a sheet of thin card (or on two sheets of paper, which can then be glued together back-to-back), and then cut the sheet into two A5 pieces. Each A5 piece can then be folded once to produce the finished four-page phrasebook. Of course, this process leaves you with two copies of the Nanophrasebook, so you will have a spare or a copy for your travelling companion.
Catalan Nanophrasebook (version 1.3)
Faroese Nanophrasebook (version 1.31)
Italian Nanophrasebook -- in preparation
Norwegian Nanophrasebook (old format, version 1.0)
Feedback welcome -- please e-mail